360 degree tour of our Pleasuredome

For those who can’t make it to Heidelberg, here’s a 360 degree tour of our[...]

Welcome to the Headphone Museum – Intro

Our new Headphone Pleasuredome offers not only the best of 2022 and beyond, but also[...]

Born in 1947 … reborn in 2022. The legend lives.

Our new Headphone Pleasuredome is certainly not short of highlights. One of the coolest places[...]

First Headphone Camp in the new shop: September 17, 2022

Good news: our legendary Headphone Camp is finally back. But now in a new home,[...]

Meze Elite and Empyrean Chameleon

The Elite and Empyrean are Meze legends and undoubtedly among the best headphones in the[...]

Meze Advar in-ear

We’re expecting a line of cool in-ears in 2022, but that’s quite an announcement. The[...]

Welcome (soon) to the Pleasuredome!

We’re almost there. In late August, we’ll move operations to our new site, a true[...]

Meet InEar backstage

This post takes us behind the scenes of InEar. Get some impressions of the place,[...]

Audiophile Playlist Team InEar

Find a broad range of audiophile songs chosen by team InEar or get an overview[...]

Interview with InEar

This is an interview we’ve had with Marius Schmitt the head of InEar. Enjoy.

New Final Audio in-ears just arrived!

We just got the first shipment of the new Final in-ears line-up. The Final Audio[...]

ZMF Verité Closed Olive Limited Edition coming soon

The ZMF VeritĂ© Closed needs no introduction. For us, it’s the undisputed king of closed[...]