Headfonia Awards – We have the winners

The best of the best

The well known review magazine Headfonia.com has presented this year’s awards. As connoisseurs of fine sound and lovers of first-class audio products, we are particularly pleased that many of the winning products are available directly in our store. Immerse yourself with us in the fascinating world of high-end audio enjoyment!

About the Headfonia.com Awards

Headfonia.com is one of the most renowned review platforms. The Headfonia team consists of passionate audiophiles and experts who have one mission: To seek out, test and introduce the best audio products to the world. Their annual awards are coveted accolades that are highly valued by manufacturers, retailers and audio enthusiasts alike. The products honored by Headfonia.com are all characterized by excellent sound quality, innovative technology and first-class workmanship and are the best in their category.

“Product of the Year”

Abyss Diana MR

“The DIANA MR is a high-end headphone that not only looks great and offers good comfort, it also is a headphone that is easy to drive. The DIANA MR plays at a high technical level but it at the same time is easy to listen to. The MR is very musical, forgiving and very engaging. You just want to play more and more of your favorite tracks and I on many occasions have found myself listening to my favourite albums till very late at night.

While the DIANA TC still is the resolution king, I think a lot of people might prefer the MR’s more engaging, full and softer/warmer tuning. It’s good that Abyss has different DIANA tunings, so you don’t have to choose just one. All of Abyss’ headphones are complementary, with the AB1266 PHI at the top of the tree.

It is very easy for me to give the Abyss DIANA MR our Product of the year Award. Congratulations!”

(Lieven, Headfonia)

Open-back headphones

Abyss Diana MR


“Best Headphone – Orthodynamic”

ZMF Caldera

„The ZMF Caldera isn’t new, but it was Zach’s first proprietary planar driver and it still is a relevant flagship headphone. The Caldera doesn’t come cheap but you definitely get good value in return. The Caldera is technically strong and musical at the same time and it’s just a pure pleasure to use all day long. It simply is a really good and beautiful headphone, from an excellent company. Period.“

(Lieven, Headfonia)

Open-back headphones

ZMF – Caldera


“Best Portable Player (DAP)”

Astell&Kern SP3000

What a great DAP the Astell&Kern SP3000 is! It’s a true flagship and engineering marvel. Each time when you think it’ can’t get any better, AK comes in and strikes again. On a technical and user experience level, the SP3000 is a step up from the previous SP2000 flagship, though we still like that one very much as well. The SP3000 is an expensive portable player, and it doesn’t always offer the same tuning options as its competitors, but it’s very good in what it does. With the SP3000 you get a very high-end portable player with a unique design, perfect build quality and excellent performance. The new UI is much better than before, but it of course isn’t a full android experience you get. Looking purely at sound quality, the keywords to remember are: dynamics, extension, precision, musicality, engagement and effortlessness.”

(Lieven, Headfonia)

Portable Audio Players (DAP)

Astell & Kern – A & Ultima SP3000


“Best Amplifier – Tubes”

Feliks Audio Euforia EVO

“I like how Feliks Audio keeps updating their product-line. The 3rd version of the Euforia amplifier isn’t just another update, it in fact brings a whole new tonal experience to the Euforia product range. The Feliks Audio Euforia evo is simple in design, but it’s using top quality components on the in- and outside. Because of the minimal design philosophy, using the amplifier is easy and straightforward and the added XLR connector and larger volume wheel certainly help with this even more.

The Euforia evo is not a do-it-all amp if your collections of headphones features a lot of different driver types. The evo will perform best with high impedance dynamic driven headphone types, but it will pleasantly surprise you with some planar and other driver tech headphones as well.”

(Lieven, Headfonia)

Headphone Amps & DACs

Feliks Audio Euforia EVO


“Best Headphone”

Sivga Luan

“I’m thoroughly impressed with the overall quality and performance of the new Sivga Luan. The new model has a sleek and premium design, while also being very comfortable to wear for extended periods. In terms of sound, the balance and naturalness truly stand out to me. The technical performance is also impressive. What’s even better is that it’s budget-friendly, making it an excellent option for those looking for high-quality audio without spending too much.”


(Berkhan, Headfonia)

“Best Amplifier – Portable”

Astell&Kern PA10

“Is there still a place for a portable headphone amplifier in 2023? For A&K it seems to be, and the PA10 is a clear statement from the brand. And if I was sceptical at first – I’m more of a DAC/Amp guy than a DAC+Amp one – I must admit that the brand has succeeded in the feat of convincing me otherwise. Sure, it’s more transportable than really nomad. Sure it‘s a complete hindrance with a smartphone and a DAC, even more than a fat DAC/Amp like the Q7 or the H7, but, once you’ve plugged your ears/headphone, and paired your DAP/DAC, everything becomes insignificant, erased by the sound’s prowess of the amp.

A no-brainer, outperforming many, if not every, amp available at the time of writing – in a sub-$1500 budget. Add to that A&K’s renowned built quality, excellent ergonomics, and some nice features like the cross feed selection, and yes, this amp goes directly into my recommendation list, and if you’re out for a TOTL on the cheap, you should definitely try this one first”

(Nano, Headfonia)

Mobile Amps & DACs

Astell & Kern PA10


“Leserwahl: Best Portable Player (DAP)”

Astell&Kern SR35

“I have used the AK SR35 for the better part of four months now, and can firmly say, that it’s a nice sounding product. The point where it has convinced me the most though is comfort. Not only is its form just perfect for a portable audio player, but it also let me dive deep into the streaming rabbit-hole. Never was I a fan of it, but the convenience it brought with the SR35 has just been such a pleasure for me, that I am now looking for more.

The A&norma SR35 is a warmer and smoother sounding DAP with a focus on emotional engagement, where it wants to build a connection between you, your music and your gear. To me the SR35 is not a DAP for critical listening, where you’re going after the tiniest of details and become in awe of the performance. With the SR35 you’ll be in touch with the albums you’re listening to and if you like a soft and smooth sound, the SR35 should definitely be on your list.”

(Felix, Headfonia)

Portable Audio Players (DAP)

Astell & Kern – A & Norma SR35

899,00 978,00 

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