Useful Information GmbH

Showroom: Langer Anger 201-203, 69115 Heidelberg (Google Maps)

Please contact us to make appointment (so we can prepare everything for your visit) or visit us Wednesday and Friday from 2pm to 6pm.

Tel.: +49-(0)6221-889211

Tel.: +49-(0)6221-889211

Find out more about us, and what makes us special …

      Imprint: GmbH

      Office: Neue Stücker 13, 69118 Heidelberg

      Showroom: Langer Anger 201-203, 69115 Heidelberg

      Managing Director: Thomas Halbgewachs MBA

      Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB 738403

      VAT-Number DE 3395 28794

      Finanzamt Heidelberg

      WEEE-Reg.: DE 72880324

      Terms & conditions

      Power of revocation

      Privacy policy and data protection